

A Mistletoe is a hemi-parasitic plant that originates on some other tree. Taking all its necessary nutrients from something else, it makes sure that it is only thing that it shines the brightest. In fact, it stays green even during winters, when all other plants freeze. It is said to be poisonous but does not cause death.

Well, you might be thinking how similar we humans are to flora. The way we operate, consume, and even deceive is so identical. It’s just a matter of noticing these subtleties that nature tries to show us. It looks like everything we need in life is already in front of us and once we start taking note of these tiny bits of information, it'll all start looking like a circus.

A mistletoe plant with berries

As kids we are taught how people take advantage of one’s situation. But we were never told that people somehow take advantage of the good qualities you possess. When they become confident about a quality of yours, they turn it into a weapon for themselves and feed on it like a mistletoe to gather all the praise that was supposed to be yours. You are left behind in the shadow, feeble and unwanted. That’s exactly when you learn a life lesson, which remains with you forever. It should, because if does not then you’ll fall again. Because this is a constant menace that comes in various dispositions.

PS🌻: There’s a short but interesting story attached to it as well. Mistletoe plant was a symbol of love and peace during the ancient Norse culture. It started when Frigg, the Queen of Asgard and the highest of the goddesses, lost her son, Baldur, to an arrow made of mistletoe but was finally restored by Frigga. It is said the tears she shed for her son, turned into the pearly white berries on the mistletoe plant and in her joy, Frigga kissed everyone who passed beneath the tree on which it grew. The story ends with a decree that who should ever stand under the humble mistletoe, no harm should befall them, only a kiss, a token of love.


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