The Secret of The Trigger Word!

What even is a Trigger Word?

According to Google, a trigger is a small device that releases a spring or catches and so sets off a mechanism, especially in order to fire a gun. Thus, a trigger word is a word that initiates a process or course of action, which can obviously be negative or positive.

Most of us in our lives have come across situations of conflicts or- looking at the world we live in right now- let’s just assume each one of us has. Two people engage in banter which then gets aggressive and turns into a conflict. When the third intervenes, we get to know that both are right, and both are wrong. So now what to do? How do you resolve this? It might seem worthless to waste time on it until you discover that the names of those conflicting are- Animal activists and Abusers. Seems worth the discussion now.

Since people now have started to recognize the importance of questioning what is right and wrong, we can notice the above two categories clashing every now and then. But I do have a solution to stop this. Let’s just supplant the harsher NO with a softer MAYBE.

  • Maybe you can add more veggies in your diet to glow and grow.
  • Maybe you can allow the domestic animal feeders to do their jobs.
  • Maybe you can start with buying more environmentally friendly products than plastics.
  • Maybe you can grow more trees and wear more cotton than someone else’s skin (which is the most unnecessary thing, IMO).
  • Maybe you can entertain yourself a lot with technological advancement and not by visiting circuses and theme parks using animals for fun.
  • Maybe you can stop hunting voiceless and start piquing your interests or curiosity.
  • Maybe you can stop riding animals and start riding more of other things made for it? ðŸ˜‰
  • Maybe you can take baby steps towards each other’s predilections, just towards the part you feel is sensible?

Sounds subtler right? And doable?

Let me know in the comments.

Merci Beaucoup! 🌱


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you for the encouraging words! Means a lot:)

  2. Excellent to know you started writing at such a young age and with beautiful thoughts. Keep penning.
    I got puppy a week back for the first time and can understand the love for animals.
    Equal sensitivity in relationships to understand triggers which cause conflict comes with active listening and staying mindful. This will make our world full of peace and love.

    1. Thank you so much Sir. Dogs are a man's best friend for they can clearly express each and everything, if one tries to understand the voiceless.

  3. I am very Happy to read above article of yours. Kudos....
    Keep it up dear.
    May God bless you.
    Deepak dosaj.

  4. Thank you so much for giving it a read:)

  5. That's some real excellent work I must say, generally leading the regular, monotonous lives we don't think about it may be we don't know how to think that way . Keep up the good work keep enlightening cheers.

  6. I think you read this again....


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