Ode to my younger self

Salut Poorvi,

I know you aren’t in the happiest phases of your life. Sometimes it is you chasing others and often it is the people running away from you, leaving you wondering in a corner about what could be so wrong with you... You don’t do that anymore (very rarely), most importantly, you no longer blame yourself for anything. You’ll accept yourself for whatever you are, will be proud, and will never blame yourself for anything. I promise, you will one day become wiser and you’ll know, it was the most fragile things you chased all along.
Oh yes, let me remind you that you are jejune, and your jejunity will be used against you because humans will knowingly love to exploit this particularly. Why you? For you are a pure heart and it is not your mistake that you are a seeker of positivity. You feel everything around you is good. You’ll have to face a lot of things in order to learn them and to realize the advantages of apprehending from the mistakes of others, which will be one of your future traits. You’ll get through everything that seems impossible to you, because of your never to give up attitude. When you truly give your best, you’ll receive help from the almighty in various fashions.

You have a habit of settling for less because you worry about tomorrow and not live today. Enjoy it, for it shall pass in a blink of an eye. Know that when you take a risk there is a reward attached, so take a bold step with no regrets. Step out of your comfort zone to grow holistically. Stop wanting to be good in the eyes of every human, worrying about what others feel, the backstabbers. Concentrate on yourself more. 

You, at times, even now, disrelish the element that you’re never able to take shortcuts or do wrongs. Whenever you try to, you fail miserably.  It is because your life is designed in a way to always stay on the right track. It is as if someone always protects you because you have clear intentions and not cunning like other foxes. Be a child because you’ve never really been one. Be carefree and full of madness because eventually, everything must/will get serious. Stop yourself from overthinking because it is easier than, you’ll ultimately have to face them, demons.

You love the mic and the stage. Do not suppress this. It is a good thing, go embrace it. People will say this time and again to decide your aim in life. Introspect, it is very close to your heart has always been closer than you think. Know that there’s no problem in not being able to decide because you are an avid learner who wants to know everything. One last thing, master the skill of dropping by things that are onerous, they will just weigh you down (be it humans or habits). Say ‘NO’, respect each unit your time and effort.

Fun fact, none of this has been taught to you in school, college, coaching classes, by teachers, friends, or anybody. It is your perseverance and toil. Be very proud! Respect that you got to know what you know. Be grateful for every little thing that you take for granted and visualize your future (dream life) as the best and you’ll be that.
I promise! ðŸ˜‰
Poorvi (23)
the Coolest person (the one you’ve always wanted to meet)
6th Sep’20
1:00 am
Comment below 👇 the one thing you have always wanted your younger self to know.


  1. Never compromise in your life

    1. Yes, trying to inculcate that permanently this time:)

  2. Very precisely written. Well done!

  3. You have beautifully pen down your thoughts! Kudos ✨

  4. Came from your linkedin post, wow definitely needed to read this. It's been a rough couple of days...thank you!


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